The 5 Most Haunted Roads in the United States

Haunted Roads, Trucking Halloween

Oftentimes, truck driving jobs are occupied by people who enjoy solitude. Unless you drive with a passenger or a companion, which is allowed by most companies, you’re destined to spend most of your day completely alone. For most drivers, this is something that they really appreciate.

But as we approach the creepiest time of the year, being alone in a semi-truck at night can be terrifying. You now have the added factors of cold weather, drunk drivers, and unstable road conditions. We’re about to give you another reason to be scared as you drive — haunted roads.

That’s right. Houses, hospitals, asylums, and many more things can be haunted — why can’t a road? In fact, there are more haunted roads than you’re probably aware of. Today, we’re going to discuss the five most haunted roads in the United States.

*WARNING: Some backstories have graphic details*

These are the 5 most haunted roads in the US

5. Route 666, New Mexico

I’ll be the first to admit that I am extremely skeptical of those who refer to this highway as being “haunted.” Realistically, this one is probably mental for a lot of drivers. “666” is obviously a spooky number and the fatality rate on this highway is *technically* higher than most highways.

Still, this was enough for the highway to be renamed to “Route 491” and have multiple works of fiction based on it. Again, if we’re being realistic, this highway probably wouldn’t be considered “haunted” if it wasn’t called “Route 666” at one point.

4. Route 375, Nevada

This one is actually less haunted and more… alien-y. The mysterious Area 51 is just off course from this road — many drivers who pass by will look for strange activity in the surrounding area.

Also known as the Extraterrestrial Highway, Route 375 passes by super-secret Area 51, so UFO seekers drive along this road hoping to spot something out of this world. Drivers should keep their eyes on the road while passengers look toward the sky to watch for any mysterious lights or aircrafts.

3. Riverview Dr (Annie’s Road), New Jersey

Annie’s Road goes by the real name “Riverview Drive.” It’s located in Totowa, New Jersey and has a dark history. According to the story, a couple got into a fight when the man kicked the woman out of the car, where she would fall into the street and get hit by a truck. Her dress would snag and she would be dragged by the truck until she died.

Apparently, she still haunts the roads in search of revenge.

To add to the eeriness, there is no phone reception in the area. Witnesses claim that she seems 100% real before completely vanishing.

2. Clinton Rd, New Jersey

Okay… if you’re afraid of ghosts, it might be best to avoid New Jersey at all costs.

In 1983, a cyclist was riding down the road when he spotted vultures attacking something on the ground. Turns out, they were gnawing at the corpse of Daniel Deppner, who was killed by Richard Kuklinski.

Oddly enough, not many people have experienced “hauntings” that relate to Deppner. Instead, there have been reports of a ghost boy, a haunted druidic temple, a ghost truck, and strange hellish creatures.

1. Route 66, Missouri

This is my favorite one on this list.

While there isn’t a specific history on this road, an abandoned truck stop in Villa Ridge is said to be one of the most haunted spots in the US. Still, if you’ve been a truck driver for a long time, you can imagine some of the stuff that happens in a place like this.

The stories of hauntings are pretty well-documented, getting to the point where paranormal investigation teams have visited. Commercial Truck Trader said, “visiting mediums have suggested the truck stop is a portal to the other side of eternity, where souls reenter our world and attach their spirits to truckers whom they might possess in order to drive themselves home.”