Trucking, Winter

7 clothing tips for truckers to stay warm in the winter

Generally speaking, those who work in the trucking industry can stay warm pretty easily. Almost all trucks on the road have a heating unit and can maintain a comfortable temperature while truckers are driving from point A to point B.

That said, truckers can’t always stay in their trucks. Depending on where you work and specific circumstances, all truck drivers will spend some time outside of their vehicle. In the winter months, this can be excruciating. But there are things you can do about it.

Here are 7 things you can do to ensure a warm winter as a truck driver

1. Know your fabrics. The type of fabric that you wear makes a big difference. If you wear cotton, you’ll lose insulation value as soon as it becomes wet — this makes it a better middle layer than inner or outer layer. Wool, silk, and most synthetics, on the other hand, retain their insulation even when wet. These should be used for outer layers.

2. Wear at least three layers of clothing. An inner layer of wool, silk, or synthetic to wick moisture away from the body, a middle layer of wool or synthetic to provide insulation even when wet, and an outer wind and rain protection layer that allows some ventilation to prevent overheating.

3. Wear a hat or hood. Up to 40% of body heat can be lost when the head is left exposed. Wearing a hat or a hood is one of the most important things you can to do stay warm.

4. Wear insulated boots or another suitable type of footwear. If necessary, wear thicker than normal socks on cold days.

5. Keep a change of dry clothing available in case work clothes become wet or unusable.

6. Avoid wearing tight clothing other than the wicking layer. Loose clothing will allow for ventilation of heat away from the body.

7. Be aware of the wetting effects of perspiration. You’d normally think that you’re trying trap heat and get your body as warm as possible. This can backfire at times. If your body isn’t properly wicked or vented, trapped sweat can actually cause you to become colder and is often a bigger issue than rain or snow.

Whiteline Express, Winter Trucking

Trucking: 3 important things to remember as winter approaches

The trucking industry can be one of the best in the entire world. There aren’t many jobs out there that give you the same level of freedom as trucking, with the opportunity for you to explore the world. But as with any industry — and perhaps to an extreme — trucking has its pitfalls.

One of those is in relation to winter driving.

Nobody likes taking a vehicle out on the road in bad conditions. Even light rainfall will complicate your drive and probably add to your trip time. But something that can really mess up your drive is the wintertime. Snow, ice, dry conditions, etc. — it makes truck drivers’ jobs infinitely more difficult. Today, I’m going to give you three things for truckers to remember as winter approaches.

1. If you don’t feel safe, do not be afraid to prioritize your safety

As much as you might feel pressure to accumulate miles or deliver your load in a timely manner, nothing is more important than your safety. If you feel like you cannot physically drive your vehicle without risking your safety, park it. Even if only for a few minutes.

Snowy conditions, especially in areas like the northeast, can make it nearly impossible to drive. It’s not worth your safety and the safety of others on the road to deliver a single load on time. They can wait 30 minutes longer.

2. Prepare for the worst-case scenario on bad days

If the weather seems particularly bad in the wintertime, make sure you’re prepared for the worst. As uncommon as breakdowns or accidents may be for you, you’d regret NOT packing extra clothing, blankets, food, and water in the case of an emergency. Whether there’s a repair vehicle coming or you’re doing the repairs yourself, it will take longer if you’re in a blizzard. Here’s a list of items that can help to have in the winter, according to Advanced Career Institute.

  • extra clothing layers
  • gloves
  • flashlight
  • rain gear
  • windshield fluid
  • blankets
  • bag of sand or salt
  • tire chains
  • jumper cables
  • snow scrapers and brushes

3. Bring sunglasses with you

Sunglasses? If you’re new to trucking, this may seem like a bizarre thing to pack in the middle of winter. That said, it might be one of the most important things to remember on this list.

Something that won’t necessarily be at the forefront of your mind when it’s 25 degrees and snowing is “snow blindness.” Snow blindness describes the glare directed into a vehicle driver’s eyes caused by an excess of snow. Not only will it reduce your visibility while driving — it can actually cause serious damage to your eyes. Generally, this is an issue in the artic, but nobody is totally safe from it.

Pack some sunglasses.